Aspen Acres: Personal Policy
Purpose: Aspen Acres Assisted Living, LLC (Aspen Acres) is committed to complying with the provisions contained in Wisconsin Administrative Code DHS 83. This Policy defines and outlines the processees that Aspen Acres employees will follow.
Learner Objectives
Aspen Acres Assisted Living team members may not carry their cell phone on them. Cell phones can be used ONLY while on paid breaks and unpaid lunches. Cell phones can be used ONLY while in the staff room or outside of the building. Cell phones are NOT to be used every time a team member is in the staff room while working. Cell phones MUST be kept in a locked locker or in your vehicle. A cell phone on the counter or cell phone use during non-break times may result in a Final Written Warning will be issued, and any subsequent violation will result in termination.
Rated Hours: 1.00
Price: $0.00
Number of Days to Complete: 90